International students or students who want to enter the IBDP (without the pre-IB)

IBDP for International students or students who want to apply directly to the first year of the IB Diploma program without entering the pre-IB. For more information read the admission policy of Mora gymnasium.


Applicants will be accepted in the following order:

  1. Swedish students with grades from Swedish compulsory school (see requirements).
  2. Swedish students with a passing compulsory school exam from another country.
  3. Students from the Nordic countries with a passing compulsory school exam.
  4. International students with a passing compulsory school exam.

For application to start in the fall 2025 please use this form:

Choice of subjects
6 subjects (one from each group with the exception that you can take away group 6 and choose en extra subject from the first 4 groups). 3 subject on HL and 3 as SL (or 4 HL and 2 SL)
Group 1 * (obligatorisk)

Group 2 * (obligatorisk)

Group 3 * (obligatorisk)

Group 4 * (obligatorisk)

Group 5 * (obligatorisk)

Group 6 * (obligatorisk)

Senast uppdaterad: 28 november 2024